239 research outputs found

    Slots Startup Synchronization with Shared Resources Dependency

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    Producción CientíficaIn this work the authors present a new formulation that allows an optimal schedule of batch processes with length dependence on the synchronization of the startup of the processes. It is also keep into account the distribution of shared resources among the devices.European Union, Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723575 (CoPro)MINECO-FEDER (DPI2015-70975-P

    Influence of the Surface Viscosity on the Breakup of a Surfactant-Laden Drop

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    We examine both theoretically and experimentally the breakup of a pendant drop loaded with an insoluble surfactant. The experiments show that a significant amount of surfactant is trapped in the resulting satellite droplet. This result contradicts previous theoretical predictions, where the effects of surface tension variation were limited to solutocapillarity and Marangoni stresses.We solve numerically the hydrodynamic equations, including not only those effects but also those of surface shear and dilatational viscosities. We show that surface viscosities play a critical role to explain the accumulation of surfactant in the satellite droplet.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2013-46485-C3-1-R, TRA2013- 45808-RJunta de Extremadura GR1004

    Real-time Simulation of Cable Pay-Out and Reel-In with Towed Fishing Gears

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    [Abstract] Achieving real-time simulation of fast cable pay-out and reel-in manoeuvres with towed fishing gears is a challenging task. This work presents two new simulation methods based on simplified cable models for this kind of application. First, three numerical techniques are proposed to enhance a classical spring-based cable model, increasing its computational efficiency in manoeuvres that involve reeling the cable around a winch drum. Second, the development of an efficient multibody modelling approach based on natural coordinates is reported. The performance of these methods was assessed with two realistic examples. The numerical experiments involved different values of cable axial stiffness and spatial discretization levels, since these parameters were found to have a major impact on computational efficiency. The proposed methods achieved real-time performance in the simulation of systems modelled with up to a few thousand variables. Each modelling approach has advantages and limitations that must be considered when addressing a given application.MINECO; JCI-2012-1237

    Economic MPC with Modifier Adaptation using Transient Measurements

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper presents a method to estimate process dynamic gradients along the transient that combined with the idea of Modifier Adaptation (MA) improves the economic cost fuction of the examples presented. The gradient estimation method, called TMA, aims to reduce the large convergence time required to traditional MA in processes of slow dynamics. TMA is used with an economic predictive control with MA (eMPC+TMA) and was applied in two case studies: a simulation of the Williams-Otto reactor and a hybrid laboratory plant based on the Van de Vusse reactor. The results show that eMPC+TMA could reach the plant real steady-state optimum despite process-model mismatch, due to the inclusion of the effect of process dynamics in the TMA algorithm. Despite the estimation errors, the proposed methodology improved the profit of the experimental case study, with respect to the use of an eMPC with no modifiers, by about 20% for the unconstrained case, and by 130% in the constrained case.Junta de Castilla y León (CLU 2017-09 and UIC 233)FEDER - AEI (PGC2018-099312-B-C31

    Análisis económico financiero de Taim Weser

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    TAIM WESER S.A es una empresa aragonesa del sector “Fabricación de maquinaria de elevación y manipulación”, que ocupa la séptima posición atendiendo al volumen de facturación del ranking nacional. Se trata de un sector, que por sus características es vital para conseguir la recuperación de nuestra economía. Este trabajo estudia la situación económico-financiera de TAIM durante el periodo de crisis (2009-2014) comparando los resultados con dos de sus competidoras. Para conocer de manera previa el entorno de la empresa recurriremos al análisis DAFO. Dicho análisis complementará el análisis financiero propiamente dicho, que se centrará en la evolución patrimonial de la empresa, el análisis de sus resultados, y el cálculo de determinados ratios, como los ratios de liquidez, solvencia, rentabilidad económica y financiera etc. Por último, aplicaremos el modelo de Z-Score de Altman que permite predecir quiebras

    Análisis multicriterio de la conservación de suelo : aplicación a una cuenca representativa del centro argentino

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    La erosión de suelos (ES) es reconocida como uno de los problemas más importantes de la agricultura, con impactos económicos y ambientales dentro y fuera del establecimiento agropecuario en el sur de Córdoba, Argentina. El objetivo de este trabajo es cuantificar el costo económico que tendría incrementar la conservación de suelos (CS) para el productor agropecuario en su establecimiento en diferentes escenarios (E): E1) el productor conoce el costo de ES; E2) desconoce el costo ES; y E3) conoce el costo de ES y adhiere a la política CS provincial. La programación por meta y un modelo de 6 atributos, 18 restricciones y 72 variables de decisión es utilizada para un productor del sur de Córdoba, Argentina. Los resultados muestran diferencias en el grado de conflicto entre la rentabilidad y la CS, siendo más importante en el E2, mientras que el productor alcanza el 78% de la CS sacrificando menos del 10% de la rentabilidad en E1 y E3 respectivamente.Soil erosion (SE) is one of the most important problems of agriculture, with economic and environmental impacts: on and off-farm in the south of Córdoba, Argentina. In this paper, the cost on farm of increasing soil conservation (SC) for different scenarios is quantified: in Scenario 1) the farmer knows the cost of SE, in S2) he does not know it, and in S3) he knows it and adheres to the state policy of SC. Goal programming with a model (6 goals, 18 restrictions and 72 decision variables) is used for a farmer located in the south of Cordoba, Argentina. The result shows different level of conflicts between profit and SC goals. That is more important in S2 when the farmer ignores on farm economic impacts. In S1 and S3, the farmer can achieve 78% of SC by reducing less than 10% of profit

    Robust integrated production-maintenance scheduling for an evaporation network

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    Producción CientíficaThis work aims to reduce the global resource consumption in an industrial evaporation network by better tasks management and coordination. The network works in continuous, processing some products in several evaporation plants, so optimal load allocation and product-plant assignment problems appear. The plants have different features (capacity, equipment, etc.) and their performance is affected by fouling inside the heat exchangers and external factors. Hereby, the optimizer has to decide when maintenance operations have to be triggered. Therefore, a mixed production/maintenance scheduling problem arises. The plant behavior is approximated by surrogate linear models obtained experimentally, allowing thus the use of mixed-integer linear optimization routines to obtain solutions in acceptable time. Furthermore, uncertainty in the weather forecast and in the production plan is also considered via a two-stage stochastic programming approach. Finally, a trade-off analysis between other objectives of interest is given to support the decision maker.Spanish Government with project INOPTCON (MINECO/FEDER DPI2015-70975-P)

    Albayzin 2018 Evaluation: The IberSpeech-RTVE Challenge on Speech Technologies for Spanish Broadcast Media

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    The IberSpeech-RTVE Challenge presented at IberSpeech 2018 is a new Albayzin evaluation series supported by the Spanish Thematic Network on Speech Technologies (Red Temática en Tecnologías del Habla (RTTH)). That series was focused on speech-to-text transcription, speaker diarization, and multimodal diarization of television programs. For this purpose, the Corporacion Radio Television Española (RTVE), the main public service broadcaster in Spain, and the RTVE Chair at the University of Zaragoza made more than 500 h of broadcast content and subtitles available for scientists. The dataset included about 20 programs of different kinds and topics produced and broadcast by RTVE between 2015 and 2018. The programs presented different challenges from the point of view of speech technologies such as: the diversity of Spanish accents, overlapping speech, spontaneous speech, acoustic variability, background noise, or specific vocabulary. This paper describes the database and the evaluation process and summarizes the results obtained

    Contribuição ao estudo das vias bilíferas extra-hepáticas no Sus scrofa domestica

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    The AA. have studied the systematization of the extra-hepatic biliary ducts in 30 swines. They found that in 24 livers (80,0%), the ductus choledocus is formed by the confluence of the ductus hepaticus and ductus cysticus and, in other 4 (20,0%) it is formed by the union from the convergence of the ramus principalis dexter and ramus principalis sinister. The ductus cysticus opens in the ramus principalis sinister (13,3%) or in the ramus principalis dexter (6,7%).Em 24 fígados (80,0%) o ductus choledocus é formado pela confluência do ductus hepaticus e ductus cysticus e, em outros 6 (20,0%) resulta da convergência do ramus principalis dexter e ramus principalis sinister. O ductus cysticus participa da formação do sistema do ramus principalis sinister (13,3%) e do ramus principalis dexter (6,7%)

    The capacity of the stomach in underbred swines

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    It was studied the stomach capacity in 40 adult underbred swines (20 males and 20 females). Results show that the maximum and minimum measures were of 7.10 l and 2.30 l for the males and 4.14 l and 2.00 l for the females respectively, the global mean was of 3.80 l; statistical analysis did not show significant differences according to sex.Estudou-se em 40 suínos adultos, sem raça definida, 20 machos e 20 fêmeas, a capacidade do estômago, encontrando-se medidas máximas e mínimas de 7,10 l e 2,30 l para os machos e de 4,54 l e 2,00 l para as fêmeas, com média global de 3,80 l. A análise estatística não revelou diferença significante, relativamente ao sexo, ao nível de 5%